Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Out of Iraq 2006 : Vote with your checkbook

As election time approaches, those who can afford to do so may wish to consider contributing to one or both of the following Congressional campaigns. Both Democratic candidates are running on anti-war campaigns, and both races are considered close enough to overturn Republican seats.

Major Tammy Duckworth is running for Illinois 6th district (north Chicago - Henry Hyde's vacating seat). Major Duckworth lost both her legs on tour in Iraq. From her website, she states:
"To bring our troops home, we need a much more aggressive plan and timetable than the Bush Administration has offered for training the Iraqi police and armed forces, and transferring to the Iraqis the responsibility for securing their own country."

Diane Farrell is running for Congress in Connecticut's 4th District against a Republican who has stood steadfastly by Bush and his bloodthirsty invasion. From Diane's website:

"I have been deeply concerned by the current administration’s headlong rush into war with Iraq. This War has alienated our allies, solidified the US position as an object of resentment and mistrust in most of the Arab World, destroyed much of Iraq’s infrastructure and increased its ethnic strife and increased global terrorist activity. A huge economic burden has been placed on the United States to fund a war entered into without a strong, committed coalition. Worst of all, the Administration’s lack of an exit plan has resulted in the tragic loss of life of hundreds of our American servicemen and citizens as well as thousands of Iraqis.”

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