Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Bye Bye Scooter!

It's so encouraging to see Scooter Libby indicted. I'm hoping the investigation turns up something on Karl Rove also. These guys need to be made accountable for their involvement in the biggest scam on the American people ever. Convince Americans that Saddam is a threat, and they'll gladly fork over their tax dollars to Halliburton.

The tide does appear to be turning against Mr. Bush. Public opinion is at an all-time low. Rove's involvement is diminishing due to his preoccupation with the Senate investigation.

More and more, the American public also appears to be swaying towards an Iraq pullout. The casualties keep mounting, and will continue to mount as long as we maintain a military presence there. The "insurgents" are developing more advanced bomb technology, as they attempt to take back their homeland.

I was encouraged at a recent march on Washington. There was such a feeling of hope amongst my fellow protesters. Most of these people were veterans of the Vietnam protests, and they had seen first hand how their actions eventually led to the pullout from Vietnam. Many of these people were actual Veterans, giving credence to the anti-war cry. And a large number of clergy and laity spoke out against a President who attempts to use God to justify his evil ways.

It will likely be several more years until we pull out of Iraq, if we ever do. But at least I have hope that this may actually happen. Until recently, it seemed like the Bush junta had too much power for any change to occur.

The mighty do fall. In this case, it will be a fabulous spectacle!

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