Thursday, February 17, 2005
Now what?
So what do people think of this Iraq election anyway?
I don't know what to think. I couldn't help but feel good seeing Iraqis going to the polls to exercise some freedom of choice. Despite my long-standing opposition to this war, it was a moment where I actually found myself wondering if maybe it was all worth it.
Was it? Do George Bush and his neo-con supporters know what they're doing after all? Maybe I'm being naive in thinking that the world can change for the better without taking a few innocent civilians here and there. Maybe violence is a necessary means to certain desirable ends. Maybe we ought to take 'em all out, Iran, Syria, North Korea, the whole lot. Maybe we should take out France while we're at it. No, France has nukes. Can't do that.
Nuclear weapons - the great equalizer. You know, I've always wondered why it's OK for the United States to have weapons of mass destruction, but no one else. We can destroy a country just because we think they might be developing weapons of mass destruction. But what about us? I mean, isn't that a bit hypocritical? Is anyone else bothered by this? I'm not advocating widespread nuclear proliferation. But what gives us the right to dictate the world order?
Our military. Might makes right. He who has the biggest and deadliest weapons wins. The other guys are bad. They aren't white, they dress funny, they speak a funny language, and they probably smell AWFUL. They worship some strange thing named "Allah". They deserve to die.
What part of "Thou shalt not kill" don't we understand?