Monday, January 17, 2005


Some thoughts on MLK day

I never paid much attention to MLK Day. I was happy to get the day off, sure. But I never spent any time reflecting on who MLK was or why he is important remembering. Today, I decided to learn a bit more about this great man. The more I learn, the more I realize what a loss occurred on April 4, 1968. Not only did MLK fight for racial equality, he was vocal against the corporate control of America, and advocated "social democracy".

Besides pulling out my yet-unread copy of "Why We Can't Wait?", I decided to flip around the TV to see if there were any MLK specials on. To my disappointment, nothing appeared on any major stations, not even the History channel.

However, I was overjoyed to make a new discovery. DISH has a channel call FSTV (#9415) which featured MLK's last speech, and is now broadcasting a show called "Shocking and Awful" about citizen opposition to the Iraq war.


And let's say a prayer for Martin Luther King, Jr., and hope that others like him will rise up to continue the dialogue against social injustice.

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