Sunday, December 05, 2004


Welcome to the blog!

I was inspired to start this blog by a book I read this weekend. The book is called The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, by Joseph Trippi. Trippi was Howard Dean's campaign advisor, and a great believer in the use of the Internet to empower people and create communities. I was also inspired by a recent MoveOn house party I hosted. I was amazed that in the largely "red" community of Springfield, Illinois, there were so many others out there just like me, who had progressive values and felt a strong need to Take Back America from the corporate right-wing coalition that currently rules it.

Since hosting that house party several weeks ago, I've struggled with how to maintain that sense of community amongst the people in my cramped living room that evening. Perhaps this will be a step in that direction.


My once criticism of the book is Trippi's tendency towards self-aggrandizement. Nevertheless, it's a fascinating, educational, and inspiring inside look at modern politics.

I was rooting for Dean during the primaries. I couldn't believe how the media just crushed him for being, what, too enthusiastic!?!?
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