Monday, June 27, 2005



I need to check out the new DVD by Tim Robbins called "Embedded Live." Robbins produced a play about the Iraq war, and this is a live filming. Also see interview in this months In These Times.


March on Washington

A massive anti-war mobilization is planned for Sept. 24-26. United for Peace and Justice is organizing it. Should be lots of fun!

Bring the troops home!

Friday, June 17, 2005


Anti-war movement growing

I was encouraged to see the latest polls showing increasing popular dismay with the war in Iraq. According to Washington Post /ABC News, for the first time, a majority of Americans feel that the war has not made the United States safer. Fifty-eight percent disapprove of Bush's handling of it. Fifty-eight percent say the war was not worth fighting. And 73 percent consider the number of casualties unacceptable.

This is very good news. Finally, people are seeing the light. Maybe there's still hope that we'll be able to pull out of this mess we've got ourselves in.

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